Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday

Greetings fellow football fans!

I figure the whole United states is loosening our collective top button of our jeans for the first unofficial holday of the New Year: Super Bowl Sunday.

I love me some super bowl. Funny commercials, lots of snack foods and reckless abandonment for ones liver.

And hey in case that wasn' enough for you the Stones are playing halftime.

I have to admit since the whole titty thing the Super Bowl halftime show has become dare I say something people watch?

Truth is I was on a beer run and missed the titty. Now there are 2 things wrong with this:

1) I love me some ladies and their breasts
2) I don't drink beer.

I did however catch all the replays, screenshots, slow motion captures ET al of Janet's right boob floating in hyperspace.

Personally I think it's much less of a big deal to see a breast than deplorable violence and the decay of civilization on the news but that's not where I'm going with this...

Paul McCartney last year brought it on the world stage of the Super Bowl. his set was dare I say pretty good (if you took away all of the bullshit floating around him). A single spotlight on him and a piano would have been minimalist, innovative and captivating.

but I live in the land of over the top so it's not a halftime show with out explosions and pomp and circumstance.

Anyway I doubt the Stones with play anything I really want to hear. I doubt highly the "Emotional Rescue" "Miss You".

Lets see if I can predict what they will play...

I go with "Start Me Up" to lead off. No brainer, big hit bla bla bla. they sold it to Microsoft the songs soul has been forever decimated since then. Big friggin deal.

They'll probably do some sort of Disney-esque medley. Nothing worse that one song with 8 lines of 8 songs you really like but not enough to keep you happy. Like finding a fry on the floor of your car. Sure it was good, but now its cold and alone.

So after all of this I realize one thing. I'm going on a beer run at halftime.

Enjoy the game.


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